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The CORD Podcast

Getting breastfeeding off to a great start

Getting breastfeeding off to a great start

Photo credit: Myrriah Janette Peacefulbirthhaven.com TC 005: Getting breastfeeding off to a great start. With Kathleen Kendall-Tackett. What is going-on with breastfeeding and birth today? Why are so many women perceived as having low milk...

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Your body is built to birth your baby

Your body is built to birth your baby

Photo credit: Myrriah Jannette www.peacefulbirthhaven.com TC 004: "I'm built for this!" Your body is awesomely equipped to build, birth and nurture your baby. Why are we being kept in the dark? Knowing the science about how our bodies work...

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Intimacy and pleasure in your birthing year

Intimacy and pleasure in your birthing year

TC 003: Intimacy, sex play and pleasure in your birthing year. Arousal, desire, being open to receive love and how to find “adult time” – it’s all here and more. Amy Neuhedel interviews Amy Gilliland all about sex in pregnancy, birth and...

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Is your care-provider MotherBaby friendly?

Is your care-provider MotherBaby friendly?

TC 002: Is your care-provider MotherBaby friendly? An interview with Debra Pascali-Bonaro. Debra Pascali-Bonaro is the chairperson of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization. The IMBCO has created 10 steps that if followed by...

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Why pregnancy, birth & parenting matter.

Why pregnancy, birth & parenting matter.

TC 001: Why The Cord? Pregnancy, birth and parenting matter. Introducing The CORD podcast. Bringing you peace – tips and inspiration so you can parent from a place of calm. Bringing you empowerment – information and resources so you can make...

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A Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Podcast!

A Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Podcast!

I’m launching a podcast! There are so many questions around the birthing year and beyond and while I love to help families one-on-one, I want to share information, insights and an open dialogue with each of you. It’s all about connection, empowerment and peace in the...

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