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On the Blog… A Conscious Life with Littles

How to write your birth story

How to write your birth story

TC 027 How To Write Your Birth Story with Chris Kay Fazer Write your birth story? You probably love reading some other moms’ writings. Birth stories, the trials and tribulations of motherhood, the funny stuff, the poignant, the very, very...

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Three ways to start a gratitude practice

Three ways to start a gratitude practice

What’s Working? Worry be gone! Part 3.   In Bring Your B.R.A.I.N. to Birth, Part 1 of this series, we looked at making informed choice as a tool in combating anxiety and worry. Part 2 “What If Everything Works Out Just Fine?!” went into flipping our “what if’s”...

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Back to school!

Back to school!

Three tips to get back to school in groove. The birthing year is a year and parenting is forever. The key to a smooth morning is YOU! Here are a few tips.   Clothes out the night before! Yours and theirs! This seems so obvious and we’ve all heard it a hundred...

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Baby Won’t Latch

Baby Won’t Latch

I love breastfeeding my kids. I’ve been doing it for over six years and in my opinion it makes everything easier. I have gotten some questions about latch lately and I know there’s more where that came from. Time to curate some resources for you! Patience and Support...

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