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On the blog… Growing and Birthing your Baby
A beautiful expat birth story in Stockholm
I am so honored to have supported this family in achieving this beautiful expat birth story. They attended my Hypnobirthing meets What To Expect When You Birth in Sweden workshop (click for more info about upcoming workshops) and as their doula, we prepared together...
Homebirth Cesarean: Learning to love a birth story
TC 021 Homebirth cesarean: Learning to love a birth story. With Gina Giordano. Birth usually goes differently than we imagined. And sometimes our own birth stories can be difficult to love. Like for the doula whose story includes a homebirth...
When survivors give birth with Penny Simkin
TC 016 When survivors give birth. With Penny Simkin. “A good birth is worth two years of psychotherapy.” – Klaus & Simkin. Your fears matter. Learn how to have your needs honored in birth. Penny Simkin is a physical therapist, a...
Grace and ease in birth with Stephanie Dawn
TC 010 Bring grace and ease to birth with Stephanie Dawn How do we bring more ease and grace into pregnancy, birth and parenting? Stephanie is the creator of the Sacred Birth Workbook and is a Spiritual Business Strategist and Mentor...
Birth doulas and birth partners
TC 009 What is a birth doula and how your partner benefits too I doula’d one birth where the Dad researched microphones on his smartphone in the early hours of an induction. I held the mom’s hands and she sang and rocked on her...
Pregnancy and birth – magic and miracles!
TC 008: Pregnancy and birth - magic and miracles! Suzy Ashworth, founder of the Calm Birth School talks with us about giving yourself permission to focus on pregnancy and birth in a world that is concerned with results and what happens next....