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On the blog…
How does your baby experience birth?
Photo credit: Myrriah Janette Peacefulbirthhaven.com TC 006: How does your baby experience birth? Karen Strange, professional midwife and expert lecturer in neonatal resuscitation takes us on a journey of the baby’s experience of birth. From...
Getting breastfeeding off to a great start
Photo credit: Myrriah Janette Peacefulbirthhaven.com TC 005: Getting breastfeeding off to a great start. With Kathleen Kendall-Tackett. What is going-on with breastfeeding and birth today? Why are so many women perceived as having low milk...
Is your care-provider MotherBaby friendly?
TC 002: Is your care-provider MotherBaby friendly? An interview with Debra Pascali-Bonaro. Debra Pascali-Bonaro is the chairperson of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization. The IMBCO has created 10 steps that if followed by...
Why pregnancy, birth & parenting matter.
TC 001: Why The Cord? Pregnancy, birth and parenting matter. Introducing The CORD podcast. Bringing you peace – tips and inspiration so you can parent from a place of calm. Bringing you empowerment – information and resources so you can make...
Pushing. What’s the best position to birth in?
”Best” looks different for everyone. So there is no one best position to use for birthing your baby. Women should however, be supported to birth in any position they choose. That’s what the evidence says. Source. Let’s go for informed and empowered. Your...
Three ways to start a gratitude practice
What’s Working? Worry be gone! Part 3. In Bring Your B.R.A.I.N. to Birth, Part 1 of this series, we looked at making informed choice as a tool in combating anxiety and worry. Part 2 “What If Everything Works Out Just Fine?!” went into flipping our “what if’s”...