TC 026 Birth in Sweden: Crisis and Activism

Birth in Sweden. Birth globally. Birth is a human rights issue. In Sweden, where I live and work, there is a crisis in maternity care happening right now. Pregnant women want to know how it affects them. Families are sad, confused, anxious and upset about what is happening. Out of this rose Födelsevrålet – BirthRoar. A parent-run non-profit with the goal improving maternity care. Kristina Turner, a friend and colleague, author and activist and one of founders of Födelsevrålet and organizing member of Födelsehuset – The Birth House, lets us in on the what and why.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:
  • Why are birthing centers being closed down?
  • What does it mean for families?
  • Has the “occupation” succeeded?
  • How can a pregnant mom feel more secure in this current birth climate?
  • Can homebirth be an option for you?The Cord Podcast Episode 26: Birth is a human rights issue. In Sweden, where I live and work, there is a crisis in maternity care happening right now.
In the comments:

What are you doing to feel secure during pregnancy and birth?

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