I’m launching a podcast!

There are so many questions around the birthing year and beyond and while I love to help families one-on-one, I want to share information, insights and an open dialogue with each of you.

It’s all about connection, empowerment and peace in the birthing year

and beyond and is specifically designed to help you achieve the pregnancy, birth and parenthood you want.

And there’s prizes!

To celebrate the new release, I’ll be giving away books, affirmation cards and tea & cookies PLUS everyone will receive a new video series from me!

More next week

During next week I’ll let you know exactly how you can win, and how to access the new show!


Share in the comments and tell me what you’d most like to hear in a podcast for YOU.

I’m launching a podcast! Pregnancy, birth, parenting - your birthing year and beyond. And there are prizes involved!!!